Snow Week!
Anyway, enough of the excuses! Here it is.
We focused week one on Snow. The
great thing about snow is just how it can apply to children and understanding
our differences… and there are so many fun things to do that relate to it!
Our learning activities were
the following:
Tracing in the
snow - - Using a printable from,
H was encouraged to trace the lines; preparing the little one for letter
Cutting the
snow path – I’ve discussed it before, but I’m always amazed at how much
concentration it takes for children to learn how to do seemingly every day
tasks like cutting (Hey, these are my first!!). H was instructed to cut along curvy and
straight lines provided from printables from
The letter S
and W – We used letters from
H traced the letters. H was provided words
starting with each letter to trace as well.
Identify the Letter
– H was provided pictures with letters.
He sounded out the words and circled the letter the word started
winter and summer clothes – H was provided pictures of winter or summer
clothes and asked to place them in the appropriate summer or winter box.
recognition – H was provided pictures of shapes and asked to identify the
shape. Both kids were then able to use
Melissa and Doug shape puzzles to identify and reinforce the shape.
Snow flake
counting – H counted snowflakes and had to circle the correct number.
Games and Activities:
Snow in the heat –
We had instant snow (and since we don’t get a lot of snow around here) we had
to settle for instant snow. Throw,
scoop, play. Cannot go wrong for 30
minutes of fun.
Snow Slime – A
sensory play activity -
For our slime:
In the first bowl:
1 cup of white school glue
¾ cup of very warm water
In the second bowl:
½ tsp of borax
¾ cup of warm water
Mix both bowls together using your fingers! You have to have a little fun too!
Crystalized snowflakes
– In fairness, this activity is more directed for older kids, but when I
saw a friend of mine had done it with her two precious kiddos, I really wanted
to try it too. I found the instructions
I used from the following website:
Art Projects
Snow Paint– This
was so much fun! Both of the kids love
painting so this was right up their alley.
To make the snow paint, I used equal parts of white glue and shaving
cream. To add to the playfulness, I
added glitter. The kids (and I) made
snowflakes, snowmen, and some abstract art.
Ness has an eye for abstract art.
Personalized snow
globes – Using clear plastic cups, fake snow (left over from Christmas),
cardboard, and pictures of the kids, we created snow globes. The kids filled the globes and helped glue
the globes together. They loved the snow
globes at Christmas but those were “looking” snow globes. Seeing themselves in the globe and being able
to play with them was exactly what they needed!
Paper snowflakes
– A follow up to cutting. H was able to
cut some simple paper snowflakes.
The Snowy Day
The Biggest Snowman
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