I admit, I am slightly more neurotic than most, but I also realize, given the sheer number of friends and relatives I've spoken to, that I am not alone in my plight to engage, teach, and love my children as much as I possibly can.  And whilst they say, "it takes a village", most days I feel like I may perhaps be on an island, far, far, far in the middle of the ocean, with no village, let alone villagers, in sight.  I feel the pressures of being a perfect mother, spouse, employer, and friend mount to nearly an insurmountable height only before I realize that I am putting this pressure on myself.  It is not society that breathes down my neck at 1am to ensure my two-year-old knows the alphabet, but me.  My, our, village is there, perhaps not like our mothers and grandmothers experienced, but it's there through social media, pinterest, and google-searches.

Thus, I have done what every tortured mother has done and, on a daily basis, asked herself, “Am I doing this correctly?!?!?!”  The answer is, I don’t know.  Time will tell, and perhaps even, the mere fact that I ask if I’m doing so, means I probably am… at least some of the time. 

This blog is one amongst easily thousands that, with hope will provide a resource for other mommies such as myself.  It will be used to affirm what we’re doing and some day, will be something my babies and I can look back and say, wow, we really had fun!

I have combined a number of resources to try to provide a fun, educational, fulfilling set of toddler days.  Not every day is perfect.  Not every activity is a smash hit either, but every child is different and perhaps they will work for your little wonders. 

Most of the arts, crafts, fun come from the best places I can remember; my mom and grandma.  Easily the two smartest women that exist, and with hope when they read this blog, they will excuse the grammatical error and run-on sentences.  The rest is a hodge-podge of home-schooling resources, pinterest pins, and help from loved ones.

With hope, you will enjoy this as much as the kids and I do.  With hope, it will affirm that, in fact, we are doing this correctly.


  1. Kendra, I'm so glad you are doing this! What a great way to chronicle what you are doing with those sweet babes and encourage others in the process. :)


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